Monday, February 21, 2011


hola hola,,^^
tuk tuk tuk,,
Latar : koridor kelas menuju gerbang sekolah
Tokoh : a. Nana ( teman sekelas )
b. Nini ( teman sekelas )
c. Nunu ( teman sekelas )
d. NN (aku sendiri )
Suasana : Pulang sekolah, sore hari.
suasana sore yang nyaman kupikir, dan memanggil kami untuk keluar sekolah. Memfoto copy tugas kimia .
posisiku paling depan dan si Nunu disampingku, sedangkan si Nana dan Nini dibelakang kami.
Nana : " si NN mah gak keliatan kayak anak SMA y,,"
Nini :" heeh, siga SD keneh," (bagi yang tidak mengerti aku terjemahin y,,iy kaya masih SD)
NN : " wios weh awet muda," ( gak apa-apa awet muda)
Nini :"lain awet muda awet rajet.haha"
NN :"teu rajet iihh,"
Nunu :"enya teu rajet ngan ruksak,,"

Sore yang aneh..

Friday, February 18, 2011

NISA ICha,,i dont care.

Bismillah, cekidoott,,^^

In the afternoon, when i accompanied my friend in her class,, there my old friend approached me, she said and holding my hand,
" hi, icha..", ...silent...
" oh no, i just want to call u NISA, no ICHA, "
and i just smile, i tought because maybe im not her closefriend, so she can't to call me whit spesific name,,but,,,
" because the meaning of NISA is better than ICHA,,^^"
and i said,," inah,, hehe INDAH," yeah her name is Indah.

oh God, i affected, she not only follow my other friend to call me icha or nisa, but she have known about the best for me, altought it just a name,, precisely because its a little thing, and she remember it,, oh okay,,thanks friend,,^^

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

back to use real brain ^^

this morning i was learning about indonesian, and i must write about fact and opinion.
actually if i make a sentence, i just write plain text and no meaning. but last morning i really used my real brain, although not verry good, but it was better. yeah i miss to think. thinking seriously untill my head so sick.I dont know when, but i think since i'm in senior high school, i just be quiet and seldom to speak everything. no a brave more over for look my future. Yeah sometimes i cried and pitied my self. i dont know again, but i always to try..
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